********* It is important to remove the container lid as soon as possible to allow the Berghia to get oxygen. We are not able to ship with air in the container because it would beat them up in shipping. Inspect the lid VERY WELL for Berghia. If some are on the lid take the enclosed pipette, suck up some water and “blow” it off the top and back into the container.********
IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO ACCLIMATE RIGHT AWAY Just remove the lid and place the container on your counter top in a climate controlled room till you are able to attend to them.
IF YOU ARE CONCERNED THEY ARE NOT ALIVE CALL US RIGHT AWAY We can normally talk you through the process and determine if anything is wrong. We normally have a 100% survival rate provided they are delivered on time. If it has been cold or they are shipped with ice, they may be lethargic and floating around the bottom. They ARE NOT DEAD, just hibernating. Begin your water changes as described below and allow them to begin "waking up", you will see their antennae begin to move. CALL US WITH YOUR CONCERNS!
NORMAL ACCLIMATION Begin making partial water changes to the Berghia container by pouring off a little water and adding tank water, repeat, til you feel the water temp and parameters are the same (about 30 minutes to an hour). Packing water is new, clean natural seawater with no chemicals added. It is good to pour the water off into a bowl in case you happen to pour a Berghia out. When you feel they are fully acclimated to your water quality parameters, the preferred method of introducing Berghia is to place the container on it’s side on a rock (not in the sand) near, but not on top of, a bunch of Aiptasia, as Aiptasia can eat Berghia as well. Wedge or weigh it down and allow the Berghia to crawl out on their own accord. If you purchased many Berghia, you can wait till about half crawl out then move the container to another location for the remainder. Remember, they are colonial and are best introduced as a colony. We do not recommend using the pipette to add your Berghia to the tank, however if you do,, TURN OFF ALL WATER FLOW, pumps and powerheads alike and be very careful as they are VERY FRAGILE.. Don’t feed fish during acclimation time. Sit back and wait with patience and allow Nature to do it’s job.
IF YOU FEEL YOU ARE SHORT ANY BERGHIA Many times the Berghia are breeding and 2 will look like 1. Use the pipette provided to gently blow water on the Berghia to dislodge them and one will separate into 2 and begin walking around. If they are difficult to detach from the side they are probably laying eggs, best to not mess with them. Be careful, as the Berghia are very fragile and damage easily with manual manipulation.
Berghia are relatively small creatures, by design, compared to most things we put in our tanks. It's common for them to lose some size in shipping as well. So they may look small when they arrive at your door, especially if they are balled up rather than stretched out. After acclimating with water changes, blow water on them to get them to begin moving around and you will see their size double. The Berghia will regain their normal size after they begin to eat in your care. Note: All Berghia MUST meet 3 criteria before shipment. 1. They must be of a certain age 2. They must be actively laying eggs 3. They must at least measure their posted size, tip of antenna to tip of tail when in hunting mode, at time of shipment.
IF YOU HAVE WRASSES Feed fish well….Turn off lights,… Allow fish and predators to settle down. You can add them at night, once the wrasses are under the sand, but make sure you keep the lid off the container until then. The important thing is to allow them to seek refuge into the rocks without the wrasses getting curious enough to try them out. KEEP THEM AWAY. Once the Berghia have found their way deep into the rocks they have opposite Sleep/Wake cycles and should not pose a huge problem having success.